Through special refinancing options, balance transfer promotions, and more, our trainers saved our members more than $400,000! And, the average saved per member was $2,123!
In a friendly competition to see who could save our members the most, three trainers came out on top. Jessica Houston at the W. Tennessee branched saved members $54,035. Erica Rommes at Tree Capital Credit Union in Perry finished with an impressive $81,498 in member savings. And Brandi Skipper walked away with first-place honors after saving her members in Crawfordville $88,916! To see how all our trainers finished, visit our Financial Fitness tracking page.
Sharon Snipes, a lender at Tree Capital Credit Union in Perry, was proud to be part of the effort to Maximize our Members Financial Well-Being. “Just being able to explain to the member how much we have saved them in their previous interest rate was priceless, especially right now,” commented Sharon. “For example, I was able to work with a member that resulted in more than $13,000.00 in savings for them! I think we showed the membership that we are here for them and for that I’m grateful!”
Another Champions First Credit Union lender, Marketta Murray, has similar feelings toward this achievement: “Seeing the impact on the membership in such a positive way is very rewarding. Our membership is why we are here.”
Even though the Financial Fitness program has ended, our Trainers are still here to help you get and STAY financially strong. We encourage you to contact one of our trainers today to find a solution that works for you.